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Can anyone share their facility Covid-19 Policy and SOPs?

Started by , Jul 27 2020 04:04 PM
10 Replies

Good morning everyone,


I was wondering if anyone can share their facility's SOPs in regards to COVID-19.


Thanks for your help.

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No policy at our facility, never had one. 

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No policy at our facility, never had one. 

Hey SQFconsultant, I'm just wondering: is it mandatory for US food industries to wear masks? Because, in Canada (well, in Toronto) it's mandatory only for public places. Just curious how far craziness went:)

1 Thank

Very serious LCBO sign


Attached Files

1 Thank

Very serious LCBO sign



I initially thought you were talking about the liquier store posters that the board messed up with the translations, it's funny!

1 Thank

Hello rtorres,


We follow our national and local government unit rules and guidelines in our workplace with Dept, of Trade and Industry and Dept. of Labor and Employment workplace amid covid-19 pandemic guidelines.




1 Thank

Every employee's body temperature is taken before and after work;

Sign a Infectious Decease oDeclaration form on every Monday before work;

Hands get sanitised at the gatehouse, a mask is issued at the same time;

Limited contractors and visitors are allowed on site;

Production staff are issue with a shield to work (including the packing staff);

Office support team take turns to work at home, especially the sales team;

Outdoor tent was setup to provide more room for staff to have tea break.

We are looking into install a body temperature scan gate.

2 Thanks

Every employee's body temperature is taken before and after work;

Sign a Infectious Decease oDeclaration form on every Monday before work;

Hands get sanitised at the gatehouse, a mask is issued at the same time;

Limited contractors and visitors are allowed on site;

Production staff are issue with a shield to work (including the packing staff);

Office support team take turns to work at home, especially the sales team;

Outdoor tent was setup to provide more room for staff to have tea break.

We are looking into install a body temperature scan gate.


I like this, shows good senior management commitment to staff safety - lacking at my place!

I am in regional Victoria Australia where masks are compulsory when ever you leave your house including all work places.

we issue 4 masks a day to all employees and must be worn at all times once out of your vehicle. 

temps are taken b4 work each shift.

temporary lunch rooms & toilets have been purchased to keep areas segregated from each other.

more hand washing & sanitation stations throughout work site. 

Extra cleaners on for all touch points/toilets/lunchrooms with cleaning after each use.

all workers have chemical & cleaning bucket at each work station for all touch points throughout the factory. have to be cleaned at end & beginning of each shift.

all fork lift touch points arre also cleaned b4 and after each shift.

extra toilets brought in for all transport personal. they must also stay in truck at all times. 

we have a Covid-19 plan in place in the event of a worker being positive which also includes how we are going to deep clean

these are just a few of the things that we now have in place.

Hope this helps you

2 Thanks

Anyone changing their policies based upon new guidance showing that reinfection can occur as soon as within one month of the initial infection?  We initially had people going out and permitted to come back, even if family members were ill, because we had data to back up a three month buffer for their immunity.  Thoughts?



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Anyone changing their policies based upon new guidance showing that reinfection can occur as soon as within one month of the initial infection?  We initially had people going out and permitted to come back, even if family members were ill, because we had data to back up a three month buffer for their immunity.  Thoughts?



Keeping it under review. It's obviously rather concerning that there is now reliable (at face value) data showing that this can occur, but as it stands the evidence is still very sparse - we're at three (as at the last time I checked) verified cases of reinfection out of 25.1 million infected, so I don't personally believe the evidence is yet sufficient to merit a significant shift in approach to site controls. If further evidence emerges to show that this is more widespread/probable than we'd previously understood then yes, I very much feel that we'll need to adjust our site guidance, but also that there may be significant repercussions for our daily lives in general :(

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