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Any additional risk evaluation of incoming raw material required due to Covid-19?

Started by , Jul 02 2020 05:18 PM
6 Replies



I was wondering  if some of the members can tell us if there is a specific measure to take for this year because of the Covid-19 in the risk evaluation fo the raw material. 


Should we adjust the evaluation or show such measure some where in the documentation as Questionnaire..etc ?


Thank you   

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I requested all suppliers to provide Food Fraud Prevention statement/policy/program (whatever). In addition, I've sent the Coronavirus Supply Impact survey to those supplying critical ingredients (e.g. added to products after pasteurization step). If you need a survey sample, let me know

I requested all suppliers to provide Food Fraud Prevention statement/policy/program (whatever). In addition, I've sent the Coronavirus Supply Impact survey to those supplying critical ingredients (e.g. added to products after pasteurization step). If you need a survey sample, let me know


Can u please provide a covid -19 survey,



Please, see atatched.

Attached Files

1 Like3 Thanks


I suppose the personal hygienic care is the most important subject in COVID19 food safety concern, so may be any certification regarding personal hygienic aspects in raw material manufacturing sites could be helpful.

I imagine you're talking about the product side of things, but something else you may want to assess if not already is the practical side of 'incoming raw materials' so any changes to the normal practise of supplier deliveries. I.e. perhaps where drivers would historically come into the site, make any contact, use facilities etc there may now be some restrictions, within reason.

I seem to recall seeing that cfia have issued various documentation advisories on Covid19 although no idea if these include raw material aspect.


Also, a previous thread notes an impressive BRC survey document which lists the possible impacts due Covid19 on  clauses in the BRC Food Standard.

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