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Any special requirements for packaging sugar free gummies nutraceuticals fortified (supplement)?

Started by , Jul 02 2020 12:21 PM
4 Replies

Good morning everyone, 


We are a co-packer and had someone recently reach out regarding packaging sugar free gummies nutraceuticals fortified (supplement). I tried searching the forum for anything related and didn't find anything, or maybe I was searching the wrong keywords. 


My question for everyone is, are there any requirements to run this type of product? Do we need anything specifically done prior to running or after a production run before running our normal products? Completely new to this type of product and I don't have specifics on what the product is exactly but i'm assuming its just a gummy multi-vitamin. 


We are SQF certified and pack other dry snack foods and candy. It would simply be a re-pack of bulk product into a pouch bag. 





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"running" and re-packing to me are two different things to me - are you making them (running) or simply pulling out of a master box and re-packing into single retail units?

Sorry, to clarify we would be repacking. Pulling from a master case and packing into pouch bags for retail sale. 

I am assuming sterile environment/clean room for this item and notification to your CB that you are re-packing these, may require an additional FSC (under 9.0 SQF there will be a separate standard for supplements.)

Great, thank you!

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