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Labelling rules for non-commercial samples in Canada

Started by , Jun 03 2020 01:47 PM
3 Replies

Hi all,


My company want to launch a marketing campaign involving distributing non-commercial samples to the public.

I think I recall that in this case, the ingredient list is mandatory (due to potential allergy from customers, etc.) but that it's not mandatory to include a NV table or most of the other requirement of regular commercial labels.


I want to back this claim up, but I strugle to find any official information on this subject, like CFIA guidelines on non-commercial samples for example.


Do we have any official reglementation or guidelines regarding this matter in Canada ?


For information, I'm talking about an extruded cereal based dry snack, that will be distributed in Canada.


Thank you very much  :smile: !

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Food & Drug Regulations, B.01.401

CFIA: https://www.inspecti...60350769?chap=3

Good luck!

1 Thank



This is mentioned on the CFIA website:


"Exemptions from specific labelling requirements under the Safe Food for Canadians Regulations for certain consumer prepackaged foods

Certain consumer prepackaged (definition) foods are exempt from specific labelling provisions under the SFCR. These consumer prepackaged foods are those that are [299, SFCR]:

  • manufactured, prepared, produced, packaged or labelled for use by commercial or industrial enterprises or institutions without being sold by them;
  • manufactured, prepared, produced, packaged or labelled only for sale to or by a duty free shop; or
  • distributed to one or more persons for no consideration (such as free samples distributed without exchange of money or other compensation).


I am not sure if that last bullet applies to your case or not, this is the link where I got it from:


1 Thank

Thank you very much to both of you.

It seems that we are exempted of few requirements from the SFCR, but not requirements from the FDR, including the NV table.


Thanks again !

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