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Please critique attached Covid-19 Risk Assessment

Started by , May 04 2020 11:53 AM
8 Replies

Hi everyone. 


The senior management committment at our place is pretty non-existent. 


I am trying to step up and implement some things to help. 


I am somewhere between Quality Control / Quality Manager / Technical Manager and everything else. 


I have found communication with senior management to be lacking during this time, therefore i am and i have been relying heavily on this network, so firstly i thank you all for being of great help. 


I have conducted a risk assessment for COVID-19 in our workplace. Please feel free to take a look and tear it apart, i need all the advice i can get for this. PLEASE bare in mind i am in no way shape or form saying this is good or correct, I have simply done all know (given I've had no training in my role). 


Fire away with any advice / recommendations to better this document. 

Attached Files

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Hi Zoe,


One thing I may update is the self-isolation advice if a member of staff or their family member develop symptoms, by taking into account the available testing for keyworkers (UK) which could potentially reduce isolation time.



I am somewhere between Quality Control / Quality Manager / Technical Manager and everything else.


I find myself in a remarkably similar situation too :blink:

Please, see attached a sample of risk assessment from Industry Safety Trainers, Toronto Canada. Hope, you find it useful.

Attached Files

1 Thank

Please, see attached a sample of risk assessment from Industry Safety Trainers, Toronto Canada. Hope, you find it useful.


Looks like same file as  -




@Zoe - You seem to have abandoned the above thread ?

Hi Zoe,


May I ask why you are attempting this risk assessment since you acknowledge that no FS-related hazard is involved ? Is it going to be audited by XYZ ?


Seems to me you could just include yr implemented control procedures within yr PRP/Hygiene Procedures and reference  the implemented generic suggestions in the webpage  (and perhaps yr previous thread) which you are quoting in the RA attachment.


Then start thinking about influenza ?

Hi Zoe,

Kindly include the risk rating.




Hi Zoe,


May I ask why you are attempting this risk assessment since you acknowledge that no FS-related hazard is involved ? Is it going to be audited by XYZ ?


Seems to me you could just include yr implemented control procedures within yr PRP/Hygiene Procedures and reference  the implemented generic suggestions in the webpage  (and perhaps yr previous thread) which you are quoting in the RA attachment.


Then start thinking about influenza ?

As a business I care about our employees, whether it affects the food safety or not. We are audited a dozen times a year and I'm sure this will come up. especially in the ethical audit we receive. 

As a business I care about our employees, whether it affects the food safety or not. We are audited a dozen times a year and I'm sure this will come up. especially in the ethical audit we receive. 


Hi zoe,


Thks for response.


I deduce you are the H&R Department as well as QA.

I deduce you are the H&R Department as well as QA.

In these strange times I expect many people are many things; today I will be Technical Manager, QA Manager and QAs, and my Operations Director will be Maintenance for the morning.

Although the virus isn't a direct risk via food (as far as we know), the nature of the situation is largely still microbial contamination and hygiene, one reason why Technical at my place is heavily involved in any RA and strategy implemented, though then passed officially though the Directors. I've also prepared some evidence and documentation regarding our measures in case of any questioning on it by auditors, they may not ask but I'd rather be prepared just in case - these are "unprecedented" times after all.

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