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Root cause of pineapple NFC having a strong deep aroma like strong wine?

Started by , May 01 2020 05:15 PM
7 Replies
Pineapple NFC have strong deep aroma like strong wine but not actually fermented we contact supplier the color is nromal what will be the root cause we bought from Cotedivore
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Hi Roy, is the same product/batch as had the colour problem?


No Simon that one was different it is from Sierra Leon

You don't seem to be having much luck Roy.


You say the supplier said the colour is normal, what do they say about the aroma?




They are tracing the the problem of that batch now they havent say anything
The suppliers doesn't saying anything until. Now for me the color is normal like golden yellow pineapple but the only problem with the aroma after i reconstitute also with flavor,colorant and it doesbt change it aroma it have deep smell on final product also

Can you send a sample to your supplier to help them in their investigation?


I am thinking it may be a reaction of the bromelain enzyme in the pineapple.   

A wine-like aroma could be excessive levels of ethanol and potentially also acetic acid (admittedly the latter is more typically identified as vinegar-like, but we've all bought a cheap bottle of wine like that at some point ;) ) due to poor microbiological quality prior to or during the processing of the juice.

The bacteria Alicyclobacillus is also infamous for causing some interesting off-notes in fruit juices, although "wine" isn't a common association here.

As other posters have noted, this is one where you'll want to get a full investigation from your supplier, but you could also arrange for some testing for acetic acid, lactic acid, and ethanol levels - these are all used as microbiological hygiene indicators that can potentially tell you about the condition of the fruit prior to processing.

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