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Lunch truck selling food to factory employees during Covid-19

Started by , Apr 17 2020 03:18 PM
9 Replies

Has anyone had to deal with Lunch truck ( roach coach) coming to a factory and selling food to the factory employees during Covid 19

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That sounds like a terrible idea, can you make them take the appropriate measures? (wearing masks, distancing from your employees?)

What Lucas H said, there needs to be contact-less pick up, and have workers arrange their payment digitally or touch less, whichever. What state are you in? I can speak for California (at least in my county) this would be deemed illegal during these times. Recently a pedi-burrito service got a fine for not social distancing. and absolutely all food services need to be contact less.

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If you cant forbid them, you might forbid your employees? We have strict layoff rules in europe, but for this a friend of mine already made the thread to make some layoffs, which was more than enough to keep people in line.

Not a good solution, but a possibility.

I would check with your local health department to see if they are licensed. If they are not - warn them you'll turn them in if they keep setting up business near you. I would also contact the health department on the rules of food trucks. 

We have food trucks, but we only allow two different vendors and they both have to follow our contractor rules which means going through our intake and health screening and wearing masks.  We include their truck as part of our hourly disinfection and require them to use hand sanitizer with any employee contact.


I mean I'm all for preventing the spread of COVID, but you have to understand how decisions and policies can absolutely affect and kill the morale of your workforce.  In this time of uncertainty and tension some of the small comforts that can be provided and available to employees should absolutely be done.


On another note, our COVID task force had a long discussion about employees cell phones.  We now have employees clock in and out on an app on their cell phone and they participate in shift meetings on Microsoft Teams from their cell phones.  There was a thought to not let employees bring their phones in because of distraction and abuse of it, and the sanitary side of it as well.  Ultimately, we decided it was better for our employees to have a lifeline with their phone to reach their family or loved ones because anything can happen.  We are trusting our employees at this point to do the right thing.  Just like we are trusting our employees to do the right thing with their interactions with the food truck.

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We have food trucks, but we only allow two different vendors and they both have to follow our contractor rules which means going through our intake and health screening and wearing masks.  We include their truck as part of our hourly disinfection and require them to use hand sanitizer with any employee contact.



If you do have the time, yes that is a far better option.

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We have a wonderful local family that operates a spotlessly clean food truck and they have keto and paleo meals along with excellent coffee from Costa Rica.

They service a lot of the offices and businesses in the area.

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