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Air push or Treated water push juice from line after final production

Started by , Apr 15 2020 01:13 PM

Even if your air isn't contaminated, you're generally trying to avoid anything that could promote excess oxygen inclusion in the juice - it's never a good thing for product shelf life.

Potable water can work fine, but obviously you'll need to throw away some juice as there will be an interface region where the water dilutes the product.

One alternative approache would be to use a so-called "pigging" system, where a solid plug is used to physically push the last part of the liquid through the line.

You could also try food-grade nitrogen rather than air - as long as you're buying the right spec from an approved supplier, this serves the same function as pushing through with compressed air, but avoids any potential for increasing dissolved oxygen levels.

6 Replies
Which one is the Ok. air to push the juice , which may be even more effective than the RO water. Is that good
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We have two beverage manufacturers that use air to push.


Catch is, they have to test the compressed air for purity on a routine basis - but both have air testing kits and test several times a week.

We don't have currently air testing kits what is your suggestion air affect the juice how critical is this

We don't have currently air testing kits what is your suggestion air affect the juice how critical is this


both companies had issues with oily residue that when fully vetted they found it came from the air system. 


both also dumped juice products because of this, rooted it out and both found the source (at intake.)


Most times it is tiny particulate, oily residue, etc.


In both of these, the effect would have been in quality and not food safety.


I think there is a company on IFSQN that has compressed air kits/lab analysis online available.

Thank you for u prompt answer

Even if your air isn't contaminated, you're generally trying to avoid anything that could promote excess oxygen inclusion in the juice - it's never a good thing for product shelf life.

Potable water can work fine, but obviously you'll need to throw away some juice as there will be an interface region where the water dilutes the product.

One alternative approache would be to use a so-called "pigging" system, where a solid plug is used to physically push the last part of the liquid through the line.

You could also try food-grade nitrogen rather than air - as long as you're buying the right spec from an approved supplier, this serves the same function as pushing through with compressed air, but avoids any potential for increasing dissolved oxygen levels.

1 Thank
Lucas i think now is everything okay we use air and water both in our system push all juice from the lines thank you so much for hep also

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