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The first thing I’ll will do when the coronavirus outbreak is over

Started by , Apr 07 2020 09:44 AM
23 Replies

I’ll visit my parents and the in-laws and give them a hug and then I’ll arrange a big family get together that we had planned for my wife’s 50th birthday on April 24. Then I’ll book a holiday in Nerja, Spain.  My son sent me a video yesterday he took from the balcony last year and we all miss it so much.


One day we’ll all be back to normal.  Let’s hope it is very soon and until then stay safe.


Let me what you’ll do.





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I will also visit my family. Nine months ago I moved to be closer to them and now I can't even see them being so close.

Visit family & go on vacation somewhere!  :headhurts:

Nerja looks idylic Simon.


I'm looking forward to visiting my partner (we were meant to be living seperately for a few weeks whilst I start a new job and find us a place) and see family.


Then I'll take my paddleboard to the Snowdonia lakes, hopefully whilst there's still some warmth in the water.


I'm also very much looking forward to the rest of my technical team coming back and having some peace and order again ^_^

This has definitely added perspective on what we hold dear. Seeing loved ones is on top of the list! I have a niece that is due with her first child in July. We are hopeful that we will be able to go see the new addition to the family!! I do hope that this slows the world down a little, we don't need to be constantly consuming machines. Stop and enjoy the beauty of this special rock we inhabit!  

If it's just a national loosening of rules, a yurt, somewhere remote with my other half.  Strangely it's time with him I'm missing because we're both key workers in the food industry so we're never in one place.


Once we can get abroad... Spain.  Andalucía.


Then I'll probably better see my parents and all that stuff... :ejut:

LIVE MUSIC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Oh, and I guess seeing my parents and in-laws as well  :lol2:

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Taking my toddler to my in-laws' for a playdate with Grandma, then a nice quiet steak dinner at a local restaurant with my spouse.  :cheers:

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Nice to hear all your stories. 


This pandemic has certainly given me a few slaps about the face.  It has taught me to slow down, enjoy today, be thankful for the family I have and for the beautiful world we live in.  Also, to be appreciative of all the workers looking after people and keeping the country going whether they be in the health service, carers, supermarket workers and all in the food supply chain.  I bet many of us have learned to respect our jobs more during this period and be thankful we are in an industry that can and must continue to work.


Enjoy your weekends and especially for us in the UK it’s a long Easter weekend.  I’m planning on doing some jet washing, sealing the patio with some wet look patio seal and maybe paint a few fences. 


Stay safe and keep smiling.



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I bet many of us have learned to respect our jobs more during this period and be thankful we are in an industry that can and must continue to work.



Sadly not all.  Some food sectors, including my own, have seen massive uplifts, whereas others, mainly associated with work food, cafes, pubs or schools have seen massive drops.  Some have been able to diversify but not all. 


But I am thankful to be working for the company I do who genuinely seem to care about the staff at a moment like this.

Sadly not all.  Some food sectors, including my own, have seen massive uplifts, whereas others, mainly associated with work food, cafes, pubs or schools have seen massive drops.  Some have been able to diversify but not all. 


But I am thankful to be working for the company I do who genuinely seem to care about the staff at a moment like this.


Yes you're quote right GMO, my mind is stuck on supermarkets and food supply, forgetting there is world of other food related businesses.


Glad you are ok.

Mostly likely go to a new company. This situation has taught me so much on how the current company runs. Sadly not in a good way.


Then go travel abroad. I typically go to 2 new countries a year and this year I have done none :(. If I could get a position that allowed me to travel abroad I would totally take it, in a heart beat. 

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Mostly likely go to a new company. This situation has taught me so much on how the current company runs. Sadly not in a good way.


Then go travel abroad. I typically go to 2 new countries a year and this year I have done none :(. If I could get a position that allowed me to travel abroad I would totally take it, in a heart beat. 


Sadly me too.

During your job interviews for a new job, ask them how they dealt with the COVID-19 crisis  :shades:  

Sadly me too.

During your job interviews for a new job, ask them how they dealt with the COVID-19 crisis  :shades:  


I will totally ask them! I think it is important to know if they are a proactive or reactive company. 

I'm looking forward to being able to take a few days off and enjoying some quality time at home alone :happydance:


Really want to visit some family members and friends, so that's the first thing on the list, then do some real exercise as I'm using my daily allowance to walk the dog whilst grumbling to myself about the weeks and weeks of perfect riding weather we're having.


But I am thankful to be working for the company I do who genuinely seem to care about the staff at a moment like this.

Same here - really stepped up to the challenge. Resource is a worry in current circumstances, but I'm genuinely quite astonished at the massive efforts taken to prioritise staff welfare and ensure that production runs properly with no corners cut whatsoever. Just not used to this sort of positivity and support in this industry :ejut:



If I could get a position that allowed me to travel abroad I would totally take it, in a heart beat. 

I won't tell you not to do it, as it can certainly be a good experience and some people find it very enjoyable for a period, but it's nowhere near as exciting as a lot of people expect it to be. Unless your idea of exciting is seeing a lot of airports and hotel rooms, and having virtually no time to see the actual countries, in which case it's very exciting I guess ;)

 I'm using my daily allowance to walk the dog whilst grumbling to myself about the weeks and weeks of perfect riding weather we're having.



It is ideal weather for outdoor activities isn't it. I'll take a photo of the sunny weather to look at when I'm sitting in my kayak in the rain in July when we are allowed outside again :wacko:

On the bright side, driving home earlier I pass over a few rivers and noticed how low they are at the moment, relative to the past few months. Another round of flooding would not be great right now so I guess that's good news.

It is ideal weather for outdoor activities isn't it. I'll take a photo of the sunny weather to look at when I'm sitting in my kayak in the rain in July when we are allowed outside again :wacko:

On the bright side, driving home earlier I pass over a few rivers and noticed how low they are at the moment, relative to the past few months. Another round of flooding would not be great right now so I guess that's good news.

Luckily for me or not - depends how you look at it - we aren't 100% shelter in place. The parks are closed but trails are open though I wonder for how long. I went for a walk/jog on Tuesday and I was happy to see social distancing taking place. Only people I saw together were families or couples/roommates.  I know it wasn't like that in other areas of the city.


I too am grateful I work for a company trying to do the right thing. As the Food Safety and Compliance Manager and having a background in public health, I am the person that gets to relay a lot of the information that comes down from corporate. So that has been interesting but I haven't minded it. I'm grateful that employees can ask me questions and I can tell them truthful information or send them to trusted websites.

I would shake hands with people!


I would say hi to people!


I would see my parents and in laws!


I would see my friends and their family!

Sadly me too.

During your job interviews for a new job, ask them how they dealt with the COVID-19 crisis  :shades:  


To be fair most of the company have been superb.  Right down to focus on wellbeing.  But what's been really noticeable is the group functions, especially in food safety.  They have been embarrassingly out of touch, right old ivory tower BS then high fiving how well they're doing, in public on LinkedIn.  These are roles I used to aspire to.  Now I'm seriously considering going into operations. 

Do it! Everyone needs some rest after the pandemic is over but, for now let's focus in economic survival and our safety. 

Go on vacation. especially Europe country. Hope to pandemic over soon  

Finally, visit your elderly parents in another country where entry is now prohibited. But unfortunately, I have no idea how soon this might happen.

Finally, visit your elderly parents in another country where entry is now prohibited. But unfortunately, I have no idea how soon this might happen.

Agree with Alan: this madness doesn't seem to end soon as it's accelerated by the governments of all over the world 

For me getting together with our family will be at the top of the list and then seeing friends again.  

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