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Suppliers Visits during COVID-19

Started by , Apr 03 2020 11:45 PM
2 Replies

Hello everyone!


What happens to visits to your suppliers during COVID-19? Did you or will you visit in this year?

How will you compliance with BRC standard (Clause  in your next audit?





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Many of our clients have suspended supplier visits and some are using the services of consultants and others to gap fill the visits.

How will you compliance with BRC standard (Clause  in your next audit?

No idea what the latter half of the year will bring, but for now all of our supplier visits are suspended. Similarly we wouldn't allow any customer visits, although they've all requested postponements anyway.

BRC have set a reasonable example with their risk assessment approach for extension of certification, so I don't see why we as certified sites can't adopt the same approach with our suppliers to extend their approval status. Write up a concession to document what you're doing, record the risk assessment to (hopefully) support it, and I believe that will be sufficient. It's potentially the sort of question that could come up in the BRC risk assessment interview on contingency planning - we're all facing this type of challenge right now!

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