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Hairnet in maintenance shop

Started by , Mar 25 2020 05:30 PM
6 Replies

Hello everyone!


I was wondering how you see the following situation.


If a maintenance shop is located inside the production area, the door leading directly into the ingredients/finished products warehouse, does the maintenance team have to wear hairnet and follow the production GMPs in it? The maintenance employees keep their uniforms in the shop and do not wash hands when they go back in production. The plant is SQF certified.



Thank you in advance!


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Maintenance is required to follow all employee GMPs.



So trying to understand, the maintenance shop is located in the area that leads to raw/finished product warehouse, correct? And this maintenance area then leads to production area? A little confused.


At the end of the day it all depends on a risk assessment you can make to determine if hair is a risk to the areas and what does this risk lead to?.. 

Sorry for the confusion.


The maintenance shop door opens in the raw material and finished products warehouse.

Sorry for the confusion.


The maintenance shop door opens in the raw material and finished products warehouse.


Depending on where the shop is located, they will be required to wear it and follow GMP. At an old SQF facility, our maintenance shop was completely separate from GMP areas, so inside the shop we did not require them to wear the hairnets, but once they ofcourse enter GMP, they should follow. But they still wore it all the time anyway. 

If maintenance enters an area where hairnets and hand washing are required, then they need to do the same.  The same applies for any managers or visitors entering these areas.


Similar to what SQFconsultant said:  The required GMP depends on the controlled area, not on who you are or what job function you have.  

Thorough risk assessment for sure here. If they're performing any activities that might produce granular contaminants (think metal grinding, welding slag, silica dust etc.) that might get on them, you don't want that on them when they come out of their area. Ideally they should wear an outer "garment" when in the maint. shop that could be easily shed upon leaving the area then don the proper GMP mandated protective garb before entering the formal production area. One simple way might be to just designate that area as a non-production zone or put a floor to ceiling wall up around it. Huge contamination risk here.

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