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We are preparing for FSSC 22000 certfication; yet I still don't know what documents are required?

Started by , Mar 01 2020 08:08 AM
3 Replies

Hello there,


We are preparing for the FSSC 22000  certfication; yet I stil don' know what are the documents I have to put in the audit intern file 



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I think you should read the clause in ISO 22000 and additional requirement of FSSC it self because there are many documents and the auditor pick a random documents so you should prepare all documents.

Usually, the manufacturing prepare SOP, flow process, HACCP, record and form about all of the whole process, risk assessment and many others. 



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Hello there,


We are preparing for the FSSC 22000  certfication; yet I stil don' know what are the documents I have to put in the audit intern file 


The simplest basic approach is to utilize a Q/A checklist distributed appropriately over the year or at whatever frequency the standard requires (if any??) .


See -





You can take help by ISO 22000- 2018 & Revise your HACCP manual Along with process flow chart OPRP, CCP & most important thing PRP (Atleast maintain PRP with training record as well...
Refer ISO 22000 - 2018 clause wise you have prepare documents,Formats & record as well.

All the best

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