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Looking for a simple, but comprehensive Mock Recall Form in compliance with FDA and SQF code

Started by , Feb 27 2020 04:42 PM
9 Replies

Hey everyone!


Can you guys share any mock recall forms you use that are


1. cover everything

2. Simple



The one I was using is a little complex I need one that covers everything you need to conduct a recall in compliance with FDA and SQF code. 


I'd like to see what everyone uses. 



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This has done the trick for us.  It is open to be adjusted if anyone has any ideas.



Attached Files

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I have attached our mock recall that we use (SQF). Pretty similar to the one attached ^ but this may give you more ideas and layout options :)



Attached Files

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Thank you! 


Every time I use one it just ends up being "vague" to an auditor and to me apparently after they explain the vagueness to me. Although it covers SQF & Federal Regulations but...

Thank you! 


Every time I use one it just ends up being "vague" to an auditor and to me apparently after they explain the vagueness to me. Although it covers SQF & Federal Regulations but...

I hear you! Auditors expectations can vary a lot :rolleyes: .... but I think given the two examples, that should suffice!



Throwing our form into the mix as well.  Only thing I don't see in these is the mock scenario of why the mock recall is being conducted.  We include an activity log in our form to cover the (mock) actions taken during the recall/withdrawal.  


Hope this helps!  

Attached Files

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Throwing our form into the mix as well.  Only thing I don't see in these is the mock scenario of why the mock recall is being conducted.  We include an activity log in our form to cover the (mock) actions taken during the recall/withdrawal.  


Hope this helps!  


You may have missed it but I do have a section called: Reason for Recall/Description of Problem. :)


1 Thank

You may have missed it but I do have a section called: Reason for Recall/Description of Problem. :)


You mean the blatantly obvious one that I somehow overlooked?  Looks like I need more coffee  :spoton:

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You mean the blatantly obvious one that I somehow overlooked?  Looks like I need more coffee  :spoton:


Hey it's Friday! Excused!!  :shades:


Thanks for the form! 

thanks to everyone who shared their templates, it really helps! 

out of curiosity, does anyone use BRC and can share their tips and templates?


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