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Kaizen Implementation Within Uk Organizations

Started by , Apr 19 2004 09:33 AM
3 Replies
Hello, I am a 3rd year student conducting a piece of research into the implementation of Kaizen into UK organizations. If anyone working within a firm utilising Kaizen or any aspect of the concept could take the time to fill out my short questionnaire i would be extremely grateful. Please give as detailed answers as possible as everything will be relevant to my research.

Please e-mail responses to m.mcatominey1@student.derby.ac.uk

Thank you very much,


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Hi Michael,

I'm sure one or two members will help you out with the questionnaire. By the way what are you studying and where? Forget 'where' I can see that by your email address.

By the way we'd all be very interested in reading the results of your research when you have completed it.

Good luck,
What is Kaizen?


What is Kaizen?

Saferpak Kaizen

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