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Food defense implications of having antibiotic cream in a first aid kit that is right outside a production area?

Started by , Feb 20 2020 12:34 AM
3 Replies

Hello all, I didn't see this topic come up yet, but what are your thoughts on the food defense implications of having such a thing as antibiotic cream in a first aid kit that is right outside a production area?


My initial thought are that there is access to the substance, as we don't lock up the kit.  However, as far as the opportunity to cause 'widespread harm,' my instinct is that the opportunity isn't that huge for a substance of that quantity and nature.


Please let me know what you think!



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Good evening.


My recommendation would be to assure you have SDS documents on all supplies contained within the kit and also have it controlled( authorized personnel access only) to eliminate the risk all together.

1 Thank

You can also look at control measures that would mitigate any potential risk.

I wouldn't suggest controlling access to it - if you need first aid then the last thing you want is to have to track someone down to unlock the kit...

Keep an inventory and check it off. You'll need to do this anyway to an extent to make sure it still contains the required items, but at the same time this will tell you if anything has gone missing that shouldn't have - you can easily cross-check against your accident log to verify.

1 Thank

Is it secured in the production area and unable to be moved?  We ran into a similar issue and moved the kit to the inside of an office.  We maintain the SDS, like Anna mentioned, but we mainly control it by having it separated from production by a room.  Hope this helps.



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