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What's the biggest thing senior management doesn't understand?

Started by , Jan 30 2020 07:58 PM
7 Replies

Let's hear those horror stories.  What's your 'you can't be serious' moment you had with a senior manager who didn't get it.  OR, what's a common problem you've seen several senior managers NOT understand.


Also, how'd you overcome it?

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"Horror Stories" LOL. 


They don't understand how important Food Safety is before we receive raw material ie. Buying from approved, trusted suppliers that provide proper documentation....etc. They care about cost more than anything else.

Most of my posted topics here are Supplier related because it's driving me crazy  :rofl2:


Overcome it? I am still in process, I'll get there.....one day.

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Overcome it? I am still in process, I'll get there.....one day.


I like your optimism! If that day comes let us know the secret  :cheezy:


Would you be considered a whistleblower in this situation? 


Senior Management doesn't understand why QA is needed, but when looks at the amount of work preparing for the audit, they don't take the time to understand it. 


After 5 years at the same company, Boss basically told me, do what I need to do to pass the audit.


I replied, I need production to fill out their logs, do pre-op, clean as they go, stop leaving razor blades on the ground or tables, do the logs!!!!!!!


Glad, I've move beyond trying to hide deficiencies in a company and just take the non-conformance. 


Its my a** or the companies, not worth my career or hurting the consumer for a mistake of senior management.


Overall, I make bags, I'm never going to hurt anyone unless CORONAVIRUS affects my associates!


I forgot, how did I overcome it. 


Everyday and every year, I can complain! I just do the work, write the non-conformances to the associate and re-training. Constantly, even though it reoccurring issues, my root cause is always Supervisors and Managers. So far, no majors towards my issue or minors. As long as I do my part, and make sure I'm making a safe product. (Basically I have to work harder)

I have a recent one. I was explaining to the DOP that packing material is still considered raw material. He did not see the point in swabbing/ cleaning areas where the product was already packaged. I pulled up the CFR and highlighted where it stated packaging was raw material. He has not questioned me since, and we now clean and swab. We still have issues with approved suppliers though... 

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Its common in any company that senior management does not understand how important the food safety is.


We as a QA/QC professionals are the eyes and ears of the customers/consumers. We do not want our end consumers to suffer because of our mistakes during the processing or testing of food products. We do not want our consumers see what problems we see in our food processing. But the senior management will not see the same, what they most worried is "COST", "TIME", and PROFIT.

I have a recent one. I was explaining to the DOP that packing material is still considered raw material. He did not see the point in swabbing/ cleaning areas where the product was already packaged. I pulled up the CFR and highlighted where it stated packaging was raw material. He has not questioned me since, and we now clean and swab. We still have issues with approved suppliers though... 


HAHA, it' always us pulling out the CFR and/or GFSI code highlighted to prove them wrong! Always works!

Main thing they don't understand is that I am not here to make sure they look good once a year during their audit. I will actually make sure they follow all the requirements every single day, and that tends to inconvenience people. It usually ends up as this: someone doesn't do their job, next thing that comes out of their mouth: QA is not letting us run the line, Just because QA is here we cant do 'x', QA focuses on 'bs', etc. This is not the employees saying it, it's management. 

How do I overcome it? documentation, consistency in following procedures, but some days I do not know to answer to that.

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