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Demonstrating Food Hygiene Training and Competence of Personnel

Started by , Jan 21 2020 04:23 PM
5 Replies

Good Afternoon All


Today we past our UFAS Audit to be able to sell Feed Additives and Feed Materials, in March a new standard will come in to play and we have to show the following 


Personnel Competence must be evaluated after training and reviewed at least every 12 months or earlier if changes to thte business or operations relevenat to feed safety occur. 


would anyone have anything i could use to test the competence of our small team of 15 ppl. some have had full Food Safety Hygeine training, some have had in house training, Delivery drivers have had none yet? 


thanks in advance 

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It can be as simple as creating a quiz at the end of the training to test competences.

1 Thank
I agree a quiz will normally work. another option is to observe employees following procedures for things that are done routinely.
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I prefer the observational route. A quiz is handy in showing whether people have listened and understood though unfortunately just because staff know what they should do, doesn't mean they will.

Do you conduct regular internal audits? Reviewing the results is my preferred method - you can compare results over time and see whether improvements are being made. It's also useful in identifying areas to focus on in future training.

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A quiz, observe behaviours (but always difficult when people know you're watching).  One idea I loved and used in one factory was clicklearner.  It's based on the same kind of hazard awareness quiz they use in the UK nowadays as part of the driving theory test.  It gets a bit more under the skin of what people are actually aware of and understand rather than just telling you what you want to hear.  Probably a bit much work for a small company like yours but definitely worth it for the bigger guys.



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I use a Planned Job Observation (PJO) Assessment to verify competency.
Assessment checklist / report includes

Activity/Task - Observation - Recommendation / Corrective Action - Action Due Date - Competent or Not Yet Competent - Assessment 1 - 3


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