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Is it OK to have only one measurable Food Safety Objective?

Started by , Jan 10 2020 08:05 PM
3 Replies

We are a small seasoning company and had a SQF Audit for level 2 and the auditor gave a minor for Food Safety Objectives not being measurable..


We have set 10 food safety objectives in food safety policy. such as annual management review of the system, annual refresher training for all the employees


I discussed with the Management and they want to have only one objective i.e to reduce the number of minor during the GFSI Audit?


Would it be okay to have only one measurable objective.


Can anyone throw some light on this topic?if possible, can anyone share examples of what they have set.





Can anyone throw some light on this topic?

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Typically your objectives will follow a SMART acroynym


  • Specific (Specifically detailing what is it you want to achieve)
  • Measureable (Something that can be plotted or charted based on a value; e.g. wording as "Reduce the number of quality holds by 50% by the end of 2020)
  • Assignable (Someone that will monitor the progress and be in charge of the completion)
  • Realistic (Can we actually reduce the quality holds by 50% by the end of 2020 or is 35 or 40% more realistic?)
  • Time-related (There needs to be a time of completion so that they don't linger in stagnation indefinitely; e.g. end of 2020)


Obtaining a certificate can be measurable with the proper wording. For instance, if you stated "I want to complete certain X sections of SQF Level 3 by X date, etc." That would be measurable


You could have a Gantt chart for breaking down times for each individual section and then the overall time frame for completion of all sections. You can also have individuals assigned for certain completion of sections, etc.



Some objectives can take longer than others and don't necessarily have to be short-term objectives. Things like implementation and utilization of a management system software can include small measured and documented implementations of different aspects of the management system software (e.g. non-conforming product database, supplier control, document control, etc). The only thing is that you have to show that you are progressing through and monitoring the completion of the objectives.


  • Reduce customer complaints by X% over X amount of time
  • Reduce downtime by X% over X amount of time
  • Improve process Cpk of seasoning equipment to 1.10 by December, 2020
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We are a small seasoning company and had a SQF Audit for level 2 and the auditor gave a minor for Food Safety Objectives not being measurable..


We have set 10 food safety objectives in food safety policy. such as annual management review of the system, annual refresher training for all the employees


I discussed with the Management and they want to have only one objective i.e to reduce the number of minor during the GFSI Audit?


Would it be okay to have only one measurable objective?


Can anyone throw some light on this topic?if possible, can anyone share examples of what they have set.





Can anyone throw some light on this topic?


^^ Probaby not.

Our auditor likes to see something similar to what jdpaul said, though in much less detail!  

We put our quantifiable, objective, time-sensitive goal in our SQF Management Policy statement, hung up in 20+ locations throughout the facility and offices.  

Here is a sample of this years goal  - 


we are venturing into our 40th year of business, and we have continued to create relationships, one cup of coffee at a time.  The safety of the products we create is mission critical to our success, and by constantly reviewing, auditing, re-training, and validating the systems and practices we have put into place, we pledge to produce safe, quality products that comply with applicable federal and state regulatory laws and guidelines.  The staff is involved in all aspects of production, continuous improvement and system review programs. All staff are properly trained and understand the organization's commitment to high quality standards and customer satisfaction; And thanks to many of our long-time employees who share that same vision and goal, we are more confident than ever before in our quality products, unmatched service, and ability to meet all our customers’ needs!  For the 2019-2020 audit cycle, we will create two different “Employee Training Retention Tests” for all production employees, one focused on GMP’s and our Pre-Requisite Programs, and the other focusing on SQF Systems knowledge.  We have set a training goal of 100% score on both tests for every production employee before August 1st, 2020.  



And then obviously you need to have documentation showing you did the math and how close to your goal you got etc etc.

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