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What types of supplier require supplier approval?

Started by , Jan 07 2020 04:35 AM
4 Replies

Context: Packing of whole, fresh tree fruit, primusGFS 3.1.


Need for supplier approval is obvious to me for things like primary packaging, raw product, cleaners and sanitizers, fruit coatings, but what about things like food contact equipment? That is not so obvious to me. Do the suppliers of every piece of metal or plastic that may contact fruit including conveyor belt material require supplier approval?


Is a supplier approval record to document risk assessment needed for every single supplier even if it is obvious what will be purchased will have no impact on food safety?

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"primary packaging, raw product, cleaners and sanitizers, fruit coatings"- absolutely, you were right to assume this is a must.

"Do the suppliers of every piece of metal or plastic that may contact fruit including conveyor belt material require supplier approval?"-This would normally be handled in a policy/program that deals with FDA requirement Subpart C—Equipment

§ 110.40Equipment and utensils.  The conveyor belt would be on the cusp, and I would probably add that to the supplier approval program (making sure supplier provides some type of documentation that the belt is safe to be used for your intended purpose) since it is constantly in contact with the product. I never had an issue getting food safety info/statements from any of the belt manufacturers I used.

"Is a supplier approval record to document risk assessment needed for every single supplier even if it is obvious what will be purchased will have no impact on food safety?" - You are fine to assign risk levels to supplies and treat accordingly. For instance, the first items you listed would be highest up on the list and require strict approval parameters. I break out my supplier approval into tiers with ingredients, packaging (contact), processing aides all at the top and requiring the most info to approve.

Other tiers require less and less down to when you will get to the point "Grainger, Home Depot, and Janitorial Supply are approved suppliers of this list of janitorial chemicals" or something similar.

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Context: Packing of whole, fresh tree fruit, primusGFS 3.1.


Need for supplier approval is obvious to me for things like primary packaging, raw product, cleaners and sanitizers, fruit coatings, but what about things like food contact equipment? That is not so obvious to me.

Do the suppliers of every piece of metal or plastic that may contact fruit including conveyor belt material require supplier approval?

Usually answered by supplier declarations of  "food grade" or "food-safe".

Is a supplier approval record to document risk assessment needed for every single supplier even if it is obvious what will be purchased will have no impact on food safety?

For example ??? Offhand No. What does Primus Guidance say ?

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Charles- Thanks for the reply. This is the part from primusGFS 3.1 that really broadens scope: "...other materials with potential for direct product contact based on risk assessment" Seems like that would include absolutely everything that may touch fruit. I was thinking along the lines of just including a statement that refers to §110.40 as mentioned by @tgoss11 in a continuing letter of guarantee template provided to suppliers of parts and equipment that may touch fruit rather than a detailed description and specification for every piece of material or equipment that fits that description. Things like conveyors and sizer equipment.

Just the machinery manufacturer's statement that their equipment is safe for your usage. If you use a supplier of parts (like conveyor belts) other than the equipment manufacturer, you should approve them also but their parts would need to be treated before you use them so your HACCP plan needs to cover those aspects.

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