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Raw Sausage HACCP Plan & New Ingredients - seeking guidance

Started by , Jan 06 2020 04:10 PM
3 Replies

Hello, I currently manage a Raw Non Intact HACCP plan for a sausage manufacturer. We will be producing a new product this year that includes IQF vegetables (purchased) in the sausage. IQF vegetables (sweet potatoes, broccoli, cauliflower, sweet corn etc) are a new ingredient for us so I will have to add them to the HACCP plan but I am struggling with where to start.  We have never done anything like this and I am only familiar with meat and poultry and our HACCP plan does not spell out a hazard analysis on every ingredient, only includes them in the receiving and blending steps. I am looking for some advice on where to start. I have a list of the new ingredients, the suppliers are not final yet, we plan on visually inspecting the IQF vegetables before adding them to our product.  Any advice would be appreciated.

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Dear Kmmelger,


Please find the attached flow diagram as a reference, I have made a rough plan based on my knowledge.


Since IQF vegetable is one of your ingredient, it is very simple to make HACCP plan, hazard control/elemination points comparitively raw vegetables. As you are familir in handling of meat and poultry. It is easy to identify and control the significant hazards which are assoicated with IQF vegetables.


Kindly review the attached flow diagram (hope it is understandable) and do hazard analysis in your production/process area and find the significant hazard control/elemination step.




Coming up with your ingredient hazard analysis can be jumpstarted by requesting the HACCP plans of your vegetable vendors.  Then pulling research from sources such as:  http://www.haccpalli...s/guidebook.pdf which spells out going to the experts/manufacturers of the specific ingredient.  Your HACCP/Food Safety Team should be able to take it from there.


-- Joyce


Hello, I currently manage a Raw Non Intact HACCP plan for a sausage manufacturer. We will be producing a new product this year that includes IQF vegetables (purchased) in the sausage. IQF vegetables (sweet potatoes, broccoli, cauliflower, sweet corn etc) are a new ingredient for us so I will have to add them to the HACCP plan but I am struggling with where to start.  We have never done anything like this and I am only familiar with meat and poultry and our HACCP plan does not spell out a hazard analysis on every ingredient, only includes them in the receiving and blending steps. I am looking for some advice on where to start. I have a list of the new ingredients, the suppliers are not final yet, we plan on visually inspecting the IQF vegetables before adding them to our product.  Any advice would be appreciated.


Hi kmmelger,


I'm not in USA or the meat business so other more relevant posters welcome to comment/suggest alternatives. This is just to start the ball rolling.


I deduce yr product is categorised as NRTE. This will presumably be regarded as "Low Risk".


The complexities you are going to meet may relate to yr haccp experience and yr current flowchart/haccp pla/its presentation style. Hopefully the first is adequate(??) otherwise some additional learning may be needed.


It would be useful if you could upload yr current haccp plan here as will be obvious from text comments below.


Here is an example of, afaik, an "authorised"  US haccp plan for raw ground sausage which may include other Non-meat/Non-poultry, Food Ingredients ("Other") - 


rawGround_haz_analysis 05-19-13.doc   92KB   76 downloads


Source of above is -




Some haccp analysts may regard above plan as "simplified", eg no significant metal contamination risks are seemingly envisaged but it apparently "works" for the US Industry.


The hazard analysis for "Other" appears to accept the concept of  "Letters of Guarantee" (LOG) and I hypothesise this could apply to the items mentioned in yr OP. The specific details in such a "Letter of Guarantee" are not given in the reference source.


If the LOG approach is not acceptable to you, will probably need to go deeper into potential hazards from vegetables, eg see this sample vegetable haccp plan -


CFIA - HACCP Generic Model for Fresh produce, Ready-To-Eat Fresh-Cut Vegetables.pdf   427.08KB   82 downloads


or perhaps modify the first attachment for vegetables, eg  similarly to this example -


soup_haz_analysis 05-08-12.doc   84.5KB   57 downloads


How does above approach compare to yr current haccp Plan ??


PS - @JWert, afaik, the document linked is considered obsolete although some of the descriptive content is still of some value IMO.


PS - @Raguram - attachments are missing.

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