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Colour Coding for Marking Production Area Zones

Started by , Dec 28 2019 04:28 AM
3 Replies

Hi ,

We are flavour production company.I need to categorize two areas in production .

  •  One zone -Where SS containers containing food grade flavors are placed ,will be further taken by production personnel for further processing.
  • Second zone - Where emptied/unclean  SS container is placed for washing. From this zone, cleaner will take SS container to cleaning zone.

I am asked to categorize two areas. I will be grateful, if someone can suggest some type of colour coding to implement it. Which colour I should use to do it.




Thanks in advance .







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Simple colour coding for two zones whould work for you


Zone 1 Green colour - the material in this area has been checked and released by QA personal for production

Zone 2 Red: S S containers in this area have been to production, have been checked by production that these containers have no content left and ready for cleaning


Kind regards

Dr Humaid Raza Khan

MD Halal International Services


Thanks for the information. Is this red and green colour coding as per standard like 5 S etc. ?I need to provide directors this colour code which has some valid standard.




Once again thanks in advance. Have a nice day.

Simple colour coding for two zones whould work for you


Zone 1 Green colour - the material in this area has been checked and released by QA personal for production

Zone 2 Red: S S containers in this area have been to production, have been checked by production that these containers have no content left and ready for cleaning


Kind regards

Dr Humaid Raza Khan

MD Halal International Services



Should I mark zone 1 and zone 2 in square or circle.

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