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Special requirements for wearing hair nets and religious head covering

Started by , Dec 13 2019 03:45 PM
8 Replies

We normally require hair nets to be worn under head gear (e.g hats).  In special situation where people must wear specialized head gear due to religious requirements or other requirements.  We want to accommodate these issues but wanted to know do they have to wear the hair net below these items or can it be worn over it??

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Does it entirely cover the hair as it prevents any hair from falling off?

Is it sanitary?

Does it pose any food safety risk?

Ask these questions

hairnets are in contact with and cover all hair, You have to check out fully what it is they want to put on top of that (no pieces that can come off, dirty, etc.)  I understand there is a group in South America that wears cats on top of their heads, hard a accomodation for that one huh?

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I require the employees that wear something on their head (caps, wraps, bandanas, etc.) to cover everything with a hairnet. They go outside with the caps, etc. on their heads. This protects the food from any elements that may be on the cap, etc.

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to my understanding if employees are wearing a cap/hat it does not matter if they are wearing the hair net under or above as long as they are wearing one. Of course this probably also depends on what type of facility you are in. we are a repacking facility so my employees can do either way. but most of the time they do both one under and one on top. i have employees (women) with really long hair, what i have them do is put their hair in a bun and then put their hair nets on, and then they can put on their hat. 

to my understanding if employees are wearing a cap/hat it does not matter if they are wearing the hair net under or above as long as they are wearing one. Of course this probably also depends on what type of facility you are in. we are a repacking facility so my employees can do either way. but most of the time they do both one under and one on top. i have employees (women) with really long hair, what i have them do is put their hair in a bun and then put their hair nets on, and then they can put on their hat. 


What good does a hair net do if it is on top of hat or cap?  Not effective at all - all hair gets covered, the net is pulled down over the ear as well - all hair gets covered, a cap or hat does not cover all hair. Seems to be an awful process when people go to the bathroom or outside - the process of taking the all those hairnets off and back on again. Yikers - that's a waste of time and money.

What good does a hair net do if it is on top of hat or cap?  Not effective at all - all hair gets covered, the net is pulled down over the ear as well - all hair gets covered, a cap or hat does not cover all hair. Seems to be an awful process when people go to the bathroom or outside - the process of taking the all those hairnets off and back on again. Yikers - that's a waste of time and money.

100% true.


The hairnet if they are using then it should covering the whole hair. 

Best practice is to allow only hair net and religious cases then...nothing to say...

Make sure his/her head wearing is clean & no chance for contamination (physical & micro). 

Risk assessment on the "special" head wear. Maybe just set guidelines on care and have them sign that they will abide by the guidelines. Given that it's a religious component and most religions frown on lying, they should comply but you might also have to do a per shift or weekly inspection to make sure they're clean and don't pose a food safety hazard, whatever your risk assessment leads to.

I worked in a facility with a lot of Muslim women who wore head scarves that covered their hair better than any hair net could. However, in order to ensure we all followed the same rules, we had them wear hair nets on top of the scarves. This also was a protection against any dirt that might be on the scarves. (We also made bald men wear hair nets, to ensure consistency in applying the rules.)
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