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Colour Coded PPE when handling Allergens

Started by , Nov 29 2019 06:45 AM
4 Replies

Hello all

I am reviewing our allergen PPE procedure as my predessesor has made it as confusing and complicated.


We produce a range of cakes a vast majority have allergens except for around 5 items that do not contain any allergens.

Currently staff wear red PPE when they handle an allergen, but as only red sleeves are available to staff they use these red sleeves regardless.


My thought is to change the procedure so staff wear blue when handling allergen containing product and only wear red when they handle the non allergen product.( I know colour is irrelevant)


So the focus would be on protecting the non allergen product from being contaminated, and when the non allergen product is being produced they can be identified as such and staff are aware to avoid the are they are producing the non allergen product.


Thoughts please

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Dear Wayne.


Changing procedure is an easy task but the implementation/execution is very difficult when you interchange the usage of existing red PPEs for allergen products to non- allergen products. You need to train the staff/employees extensively so that there should not be any confusion to people who use these PPEs. 


And also you may have to record the issue and return or disposal of these PPEs to have a better control. Put some display boards on usage of coloured PPEs in the processing hall.


This is my view


Thanks & Regards


Hi Mahantesh

I think the implementation would be easier as only a select few staff can produce the non - allergen product, the colour change I believe is just a matter for me to remove all red PPE, and only have this issued when these staff are scheduled to produce the non allergen products.

Staff would be trained and anyone found using red when they are not supposed to would be picked up and re trained immediately

Whilst you would need to change procedure and train the staff, I don't think they will particularly need extensive training, but the focus will be on enforcement and helping them get into the habit. I've done a similar thing before for vegan and non-vegan products with different coloured hairnets and it worked easily enough. Some staff took a little time to get out of the autopilot mode of walking into the changing room and grabbing the colour they're used to, but the other operatives were actually great at picking up on it before they entered the facility - whether it's to help their mate get out of trouble or the joy of pointing out someone's error - it worked quite well. I'd say just make it as clear as you can with signage and QA presence to remind staff until they get into the new habit.

2 Thanks

Hi Mahantesh

I think the implementation would be easier as only a select few staff can produce the non - allergen product, the colour change I believe is just a matter for me to remove all red PPE, and only have this issued when these staff are scheduled to produce the non allergen products.

Staff would be trained and anyone found using red when they are not supposed to would be picked up and re trained immediately

Then its fine. The reason i said it is difficult is that i had come across same situation in my previous organization when i changed PPE usage from yellow to red for allergens and green for non-allergen products. That time i had to train down the line people (workers including contract workers) who were directly involved in handling allergens. Even after training and display boards everything, some of the workers use to wear different PPEs (gloves), again i had to retrain them and i made a register for issue and disposal of these PPEs especially gloves, head net and mask.


So it depends on what type of employees, workers or staff who are directly involved in allergen handling.


Thanks and Regards


2 Thanks

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