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How to test the metal detector?

Started by , Nov 22 2019 08:38 PM
8 Replies

Should you test your metal detector with test rods alone or the test rods along with product? 

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With the product. One auditor was saying we should have the test sphere within the product, but relented and let us tape it to the side of the boxes.

Should you test your metal detector with test rods alone or the test rods along with [in the] product? 


The latter since there can be a "product matrix effect".

But sometimes it's simply not practical as you will see illustrated in some published SOPs.

A "dummy" combined unit is another possibility.

We had a FDA preventive controls inspection last summer. The auditor wanted us to test with the wands inside of our product at least once a season. She stated that this would be verification that the detectors were working properly finding the metal inside the product.

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Like Hank Major said, put the test rods with the product. Tape it or stick it there on the products.

It is best inside the package with product.  there could be product effects and proximity issues.   Ideally they should be in the middle of the head aperature when the pass through.   That is the area where it is hardest for the MD to detect them. 


Placing them on the outside of the package could put them in closer proximity to the coils.  They might reject in that position but if they were closer to the heads center it is possible that they might not.  This depends on the size / dimensions of the package and MD.   As stated above, if you do place them on the outside of the package, there should be some frequency that you do test them on the inside of the package with product.  

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With the product if feasible. Often a requirement is a test pack repeated with the bars/wands placed at the front & middle & back of pack. What product do you have?

We produce RTE crabcakes and they are put through the metal detector before being MAP packed. Currently we place the test rods in the tray along with the product & conduct the test. 

We produce RTE crabcakes and they are put through the metal detector before being MAP packed. Currently we place the test rods in the tray along with the product & conduct the test. 


Thanks for clarification on product - I notice your username now, slight clue  ;)


I would continue to test with the product as long as it's compliant with your requirements.


Out of interest, is there a reason you metal detect before packing (in plastic?) rather than after? I'm not disputing just curious, as I haven't come across that scenario myself before.

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