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Do you know if Chlorpyrifos are banned in Denmark?

Started by , Nov 15 2019 05:35 PM
2 Replies

Hello everybody,


 Do you know if Chlorpyrifos are banned in Denmark or still under discussion? I would really appreciate your response.


Thank you,

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The EFSA pesticides database is your friend for authorisations and residue limits in the EU: https://ec.europa.eu...age&language=EN

From a quick look I can't see Denmark in the list of countries with national authorisations: https://ec.europa.eu...selectedID=1130

Unfortunately the English version of the Danish Ministry of Environment and Food database for pesticides is marked as "under construction" at present, but if you read/speak Danish then this is the place to check: https://mst.dk/kemi/...lsesmidler/bmd/

Thank you!! I really appreciate it! 

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