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How to raise awareness of World Quality Day?

Started by , Nov 11 2019 03:13 PM
7 Replies

14th of November is world Quality Day. what can i do in my food company to raise the awareness. Any suggestions please

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Get a banner made and hang it over the main door?

Ooh our last audit of the year will be ending on the 14th...  I can feel a plan brewing...

Quality.org has a toolkit available, within which is a download link for activity ideas:





Perhaps you could do something to highlight quality within your company - celebrate success of recognised high quality received through customer feedback or sales; perhaps a specific individual/team/department that has made an extra effort to improve quality could be rewarded.


Or, chocolate for all the staff  :thumbup:

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Quality.org has a toolkit available, within which is a download link for activity ideas:





Perhaps you could do something to highlight quality within your company - celebrate success of recognised high quality received through customer feedback or sales; perhaps a specific individual/team/department that has made an extra effort to improve quality could be rewarded.


Or, chocolate for all the staff  :thumbup:

Not quality street!  Contains nuts!!!!!

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Not quality street!  Contains nuts!!!!!



And coconut ones! (Not allergens, just not very nice!)

How about you gather staff around a watch a video of the great quality guru W. Edwards Deming and then (whilst eating quality street) discuss how you might use his philosophy to improve your business.




Not quality street!  Contains nuts!!!!!




And carries an allergen warning in non-small print ?

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