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Biological Fluids Sterilization

Started by , Nov 04 2019 07:52 AM
4 Replies

Is there any chemical test that needs to sterlize biological fluids first, like humnan blood, sterlized for sepecific use, and if there has such test, which equipment is used?

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Hi Rosi


Please visit the following website to understand how the sterilisation of biological fluids can be tested.




Kind regards

Dr Humaid Khan

Managing Director

Halal International Services


Thanks, I will check out.

Thanks, I will check out.


Hi Rosi


Please visit the following website to understand how the sterilisation of biological fluids can be tested.




Kind regards

Dr Humaid Khan

Managing Director

Halal International Services


Thanks, I will check out.

You may mean this device,: 0.22 Micron Syringe Filters,  a syringe filter PES membrane, one of its application is to "Sterilize biological fluids, serum or tissue culture media additives", but for small quantity. 

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