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Zoning of basic hygiene manufacturer of self-adhesive labels

Started by , Oct 30 2019 10:43 AM
4 Replies



I am new to the BRC standard, we make self adhesive labels and are in the basic hygiene category of the BRC-Packaging and Packaging Materials standard.


The company will be audited as a new site because the last audit was in 2015. How far back should I prepare the documents for document review if we will be audited as a new site.


Furthermore do you think zoning the factory based on the reason of wanting the factory to look organised is justifiable?


Thank you in advance

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If your last audit was 2015 you will be viewed as a new site and generally a new site will need about 3 month's history to audit. 


There is nothing wrong in presenting older records if you have them. For instance the internal audits for the previous 12 months will show a well embedded system, but if you only have 3 month's worth that should be OK provided that they can show that you have audited a reasonable proportion of the operation.


I'm not sure I understand your question about zoning. Are there processes outside the scope of the BRC? 

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As per previous post ex BRC packaging Std ver 5 (latest = ver6) -


Manufacturing units that are newly built or commissioned must ensure that systems and procedures in place are compliant before
an initial BRC audit is undertaken. It is at the discretion of the company when they wish to invite a certification body to carry out an
audit; however, it is unlikely that full compliance can be satisfactorily demonstrated at an audit undertaken less than 3 months from
commencement of operation.


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Thank-you for the clarification on that.


Regarding zoning, yes it is outside the scope of the standard. I would like the factory to be zoned so as it can be organised as currently there is no uniformity in the flow of raw to end products.

Hi Mary, if zoning helps the flow, then go for it...it is entirely up to you.




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