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RMP New Zealand Ministry for Primary Industries (MPI) VS. GFSI

Started by , Oct 28 2019 06:36 PM
2 Replies

Hello all,


I am not sure how much information there is out there on this forum regarding this topic.  Any insight would be helpful.  My company is in the process of approving a vendor from New Zealand, and we generally require our Vendors to have GFSI certification, but the vendor has RMP New Zealand Ministry for Primary Industries.  I would like to compare the Audit/food safety requirements but there is not a lot of information on the web.  if anyone has knowledge of these food safety schemes, that would be helpful.


Thank you,



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RMP is a Risk Management Professional.


3-4 day course teaches how to identify risk and midigate, etc.


Not an = to GFSI.

RMP  is  the NZ Government's MPI Risk Management Programme. Suggest you go to the website   https://www.mpi.govt...ent-programmes/





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