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Root Cause Analysis - Tools to be better

Started by , Oct 25 2019 01:22 PM
2 Replies



We are medium sized SQF plant with very good audit scores and history however our new customer has recently told us our documentation process for root cause analysis needs a large expansion in both procedure and documentation. We are now revamping our methods for root cause analysis. I have a few questions for you guidance:



Do you have links to resources with document templates, forms or examples for us to adapt??


Any online training for my Teams??


What software programs if any do you use??


thank you kindly

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Hmmm --


Each year you go through an SQF re-cert audit.


Has an SQF Auditor ever said anything about your root cause analysis methods, etc.?


If not, can you not go to your customer and tell them that?


And, in this world of increased cooperation between customers and suppliers - have you asked about their analysis process?


It may give you an insight into what they actually want?

Well, if you really want a proper root cause analysis, you can attend a lean management course. This is where you learn what to do after the 5 "whys" or ishikawa diagram, both tools used for root cause analysis. You will learn about prioritization matrix etc. etc.


I feel your customer has a valid point because root cause is really not done properly in this industry. And honestly, no SQF auditor have looked deeper into the corrective action procedure we have, nor any company that i've worked for.

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