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Proper Working Attire Enforcement Problem

Started by , Oct 25 2019 07:38 AM
4 Replies

It has been a while since I enforced a grooming policy especially to those who are directly working on food preparation. I conducted a training prior to imposing the said policy citing bases of the said policies which they need to comply. Monitoring of proper grooming through forms was also mentioned to them during the training. Up to this day, I found out they are just following the policy whenever I am around or when someone is to inspect them. How should I approach these employees? I always mention the rationale behind these policies. I even went to telling them "would you eat something prepared like that?".  :helpplease:

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I'm sure a lot of us have encountered this type of challenge at some point.

Are you directly responsible for the people who are flouting the policy, or do they report in to a production manager or similar?
If so, you definitely need to get them and any floor supervisors involved ASAP, as they should be in the factory more of the time and thus better able to directly monitor it.

Depending on how long this has been going on for and how significant the issues are, you might also want to consider involving your HR department. I'm really not very keen on using formal disciplinary action, but it sounds like you've tried the positive approach and it hasn't worked. There are times when it is necessary to use something more negative/serious, and you need to make sure that everyone is clear that if they are not willing to fulfil the requirements of the job then there will not be a job there for them.

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I'm not sure what you mean by "grooming".  Is this a euphemism for personal hygiene or that people aren't keeping beards covered?


There have been three occasions in my life where I've had to have a chat to an employee because they had bad body odour.  I can tell you that if you can cope with that, you can do anything.  The way I've approached it is to explain that you're looking out for their opportunities and how something like this could hold them back in their career.

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Non-compliance with stated GMPs should be grounds for write ups.

Continued non-compliance should be grounds for termination.


I have clients that have terminated employees that could not meet requirements.

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You have to get buy in from leadership in all areas and across all shifts to ensure there is continued compliance.  If leadership doesn't have buy in to enforce the policy it will never be consistent and you'll never get employees to comply consistently.


I know based on the very real struggle I have in my current company.  It is a leadership failure from non-Quality departments so it is consistently inconsistent...


Good luck!  I hope you have better success than I with this...

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