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Off season quality checks (PRPs)

Started by , Oct 23 2019 10:03 AM
5 Replies
Good day Quality team, can you guys advise me on this please. If your plant is operating seasonally is it necessary for the daily checks of the equipment etc for an example daily scale verifications and other equipment.

Thank you!!!

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If you're not using the equipment then no, probably not necessary to do daily checks - just make sure that you have a suitable procedure to prepare and check everything well in advance of when you need to start using it again, to (a) make sure it's still working correctly and is ready for operation, and (b) allow time for any maintenance of equipment that is found to be out of spec.

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Thank you! PHruit, please advise me is this your personal opinion or from Auditors perspective?

Thank you

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Hi Asanele,

We are not doing any verification of scales etc on national holidays, same way not required to verify when no production days, simply you can mention "no production" in the verification format. But ensure to verify and record the equipment condition before starting production after long gap.



1 Thank
Ok this make more sense.

Thank you!

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I'm not a BRC/IFS/FSSC/SQF auditor but it's relatively commonplace to mothball part/all of some types of factories that only do seasonal processing. You can check the particular standard(s) you're working with, but in a common-sense view would there be any benefit from doing scale checks if you're not going to use the scales, or alternatively, what is the risk to production of not doing checks, if there is no production happening?

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