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Handling/Dosing Anhydrous Caffeine

Started by , Oct 09 2019 07:22 PM
2 Replies

Hi All! It's been a while!


I'm potentially bringing anhydrous caffeine into my facility to scale up an R&D project, but the stuff scares the heck out of me from a safety perspective. As far as food safety I feel pretty good about being able to verify end product concentrations etc., but does anyone else out there handle this material and willing to share how they weigh up and add to liquids like energy drinks in a safe and controlled manner?



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Pharmaceutical manufacturers typically blend in stages to ensure even mixing and proper dosing. For example, one might mix 10 g of caffeine with 90 g of dextrose, mix well, and then mix that 100 g of blend with 900 g of dextrose, mix well, and so on.

1 Thank

We do not use caffeine but have a product that gets fortified with vitamins A and D.  We have our lab weigh and verify each addition and each batch gets signed off by the lab personnel.

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