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Jam and Jellies Finished Product Micro Testing

Started by , Oct 08 2019 10:50 PM
1 Reply



I have a curious question, anyone else with jam/jelly exposure testing finish product and if so at what amount?


Example: Tests Micros from every batch of jam/jelly prior to release for pathogens and spoiling agents. 


I have moved to composite testing as they were doing every batch but historically we've never seen a positive. We're a high brix, low pH product that is pasteurized essentially twice. 


Any feedback helps - oh SQF facility btw.  TIA!!!

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What is the reason to test finished batches for pathogens? I'm curious because you have a low risk product and what seems to be a low risk process.


Only potential is what is the likelihood of post process contamination?  I'm assuming you are hot filling?  If so...the risk is almost zero...seems like a waste of time and money to me.  

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