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Minor Non-Conformance on vii Source of legal and expert advice

Started by , Oct 07 2019 04:15 PM
7 Replies

This is our first Audit SQF V8.1 and this is the first of our 5 non-conformances.

Module 2 (Quality) Source of legal and expert advice is not included or referenced in the procedure.

I'm not sure what I need to be supplying for my corrective action. We had our legal advise in the manual. Lawyers name, lawyers firm and contact information was listed.

Is there something I'm missing here. The reference to "expert advise"? Unclear what that would be in a food-contact label print environment.


Looking for possible clarification and/or advise please.

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We list our micro testing lab. Do you use any outside firm to test for stuff like Heavy Metals in your inks? If so that's what I'd put down 

1 Thank refer to Crisis management planing, so you need to add who will be providing food safety advise, you can list the name of your food safety consultant if you ever work or contract someone (if you have a top Food safety person like a Director that usually will have the knowledge/experience and can be considered expert to provide advise).

1 Thank

We do test in two outside labs. One for swabs for surfaces and also one for ink migration. So likely I should have both down. They are included in our list of Contract service providers.

"We do test in two outside labs. One for swabs for surfaces and also one for ink migration. So likely I should have both down. They are included in our list of Contract service providers."


My question will be then does this labs will be providing expert food safety advice and be available went it required during a crisis that involve food safety concerns? do you have an emergency contact information for them? if all that is yes, then you should be fine.

1 Thank

We have been advised to have very specific instructions//clear directions for each person to cover each element of a Crisis.  So we literally state out that the President will contact the lawyer at this phone number which is a 24 hour line, and they will take care of X Y and Z.  

1 Thank

All references to responsible parties in our Crisis Management Plan are mirrored in the Crisis Management Planning Procedure. Maybe he was looking for the same information in both places?

So let me get this straight - you got written up because you did not have a crisis contact grid for for legal and expert as per 2.1.5 - as in you failed to put them on a gird list and put them someplace else?


Not sure I understand.


However, for our clients - we list the legal firm name, address, phone number, email, etc. on the crisis list - and our client list us under the expert category or another "expert" consultant or provider of specialized information in the event of a ciris.

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