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Microbiological Testing & Justifications

Started by , Oct 03 2019 05:07 PM
1 Reply

We are an importer and distributor of Raw Frozen Seafood and Sushi Ingredients. 


As part of specifications, our suppliers are conducting various micro testing i.e. Salmonella, listeria mono.


Where do I find an overview of micro testing requirements, limits, the reasons why they are testing i.e. e. Coli validates their hygiene program.   We want to meet FDA regulatory requirements, understanding why certain tests are being conducted and be able to justify testing or not testing.   


Our vendors have a historical track record of providing safe product in their home market.  Additionally, my company conduct site audits.  Many of the vendors also do not know why they are conducting the tests "they have always done it, is the response.  


Any direction on research sources.


Much appreciated.  

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Interestingly enough I am working at a client location today that is a large seafood operation.

They have never tested - never.

Now, in a month we are having a lab coming to visit that specializes in seafood operations.


The one very good thing the seafood company did was put in an Ozonated water system for cleaning and direct contact with food thus knocking down a bit of bac.


We are in process now validating the Ozone system.


Testing initially will be on Listeria, EC, Salmonella


There are some interesitng other tests that will need to be run as well.


Should be interesting.


Thats the way it was always done is never a good thing to hear - they all need to verify if they are over testing, need to test, what they need to test on and as a side note - each should take a look at Ozonation.

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