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At what % of the final product will an ingredient have to be declared?

Started by , Sep 27 2019 06:42 AM
4 Replies



At what percentage of the final product will an ingredient have to be declared? I have in my head 2% but I'm not certain on that.


One of our products contains yeast extract which is less than 1% of the final product - would this have to be declared?



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At what percentage of the final product will an ingredient have to be declared? I have in my head 2% but I'm not certain on that.


One of our products contains yeast extract which is less than 1% of the final product - would this have to be declared?




This is US thread but maybe of interest -





At what percentage of the final product will an ingredient have to be declared? I have in my head 2% but I'm not certain on that.


One of our products contains yeast extract which is less than 1% of the final product - would this have to be declared?




I'm not aware of a general threshold below which an ingredient doesn't need to be declared for labelling in the UK/EU - consider e.g. flavours used at 0.1%, additives used at <0.1% etc.

Is it possible that you're confusing this with the 2% threshold below which ingredients no longer need to be ordered in descending weight? (Point 6 of Part A of Annex VII of Regulation (EU) 1169/2011)

Or possibly the 2% threshold below which the constituent parts of compound ingredients do not require separate declaration, as defined under Point 2 of Part C of the same annex? 


Unless someone else has a reference with something I'm not familiar with, you'd definitely need to declare the yeast extract unless it's present as part of a composite ingredient subject to one of the exemptions in Part C of the annex noted above.

1 Thank

Agreed with pHruit. It sounds like the EU regs also match the FDA regs for labeling. In the US, there is no specified percentage for when you don't have to declare an ingredient for labeling either.


Play it safe and declare the yeast extract.

1 Thank



for the EU: ingredient is ingredient, i.e. no limit. Very simple definition: Everything added intentionally is an ingredient.

Ingredients has to be listed in the list of ingredients in descending order based on the amount. Below 2 % the order is not defined. But of course all ingredients have to be listed.




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