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Rework, Recycle & Recoup - Seafood Operation

Started by , Sep 24 2019 02:52 PM
2 Replies

Need some feedback please --


By definition the following is not considered:



It could be considered Recycle or Recoup...


I have a family operated seafood operation that sells to both stores and restaurants - they are moving towards SQF certification.


Bone of contention has come up here in that with the exception of the stores it is routine practice to have chefs at various regional restaurants return raw/fresh filet fish if they bought too much and didn't use it within a couple of days or they simply decided to get something else and send back what they don't want.


The company sends their trucks out to pickup returns and as we all know the expiration for fish is short.  The company will get the returns within a couple of hours and then either repackages or re-cuts (based on orders) the fish and sends it out again for orders.


The common situation is - fish is shipped to 100 restaurants on a Friday with 90-95 using it all up by Monday - that 5-10% however may call in to return fish - but not until Monday. When it comes back in it is reset to be the first that goes out again with the clock ticking for expiration.


The average return is from 7 customers for an average of 200 pounds a week.


Now, I have another seafood operation that will not accept returns as their feeling is and I agree that subject fish returns have been out of the seafood company control for several days or more - they have no idea what has happened to the product in that span of time and the need for testing, etc and the fact they promise fresh fish deliveries is not worth the headaches and money to get involved in returning "old" fish to market.


I realize having been in the restaurant industry and growing up in a seafood operation that this is a common practice - but I don't see a way to continue it.


Your input would be appreciated.


Thank you.




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My opinion would be to stay away from returns due to the sensitive nature of this product. I would only possibly consider a return if it was returned in a very small window of time, and if there is no evidence of tampering (not sure how these seafood products are packed). 

I think if you are to proceed with this, there needs to be tamper proof packaging in place that shows the product is sealed. Depending on the risk/benefit analysis of this, data loggers could be implemented inside the packaging to ensure the fish is kept within safe temperatures limits in order for return/resale.



My opinion would be to stay away from returns due to the sensitive nature of this product. I would only possibly consider a return if it was returned in a very small window of time, and if there is no evidence of tampering (not sure how these seafood products are packed). 

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