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What is the diameter for holes in window screens?

Started by , Sep 11 2019 07:16 AM
1 Reply

Please i want to know what is the diameter for holes in window screens and what is the reference?

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Please i want to know what is the diameter for holes in window screens and what is the reference?


Presumably sufficiently small to deter the smallest flying insect in yr specific locality. Mosquito net material aperture size perhaps ?


Mosquito netting can be made from cotton, polyethylene, polyester, polypropylene, or nylon. A mesh size of 1.2 millimetres (0.047 in) stops mosquitoes, and smaller, such as 0.6 millimetres (0.024 in), stops other biting insects such as biting midges/no-see-ums. A mosquito bar is an alternate form of a mosquito net.



Maybe a winner (for mosquitos anyway)-

stainless steel mesh with 0.88mm aperture







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