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How to design a traceability solution using blockchain

Started by , Sep 06 2019 05:06 PM
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File Name: How to design a traceability solution using blockchain

File Submitter: Simon

File Submitted: 06 Sep 2019

File Category: Food Safety Live 2019

Presentation slides and certificate of attendance for the session delivered at Food Safety Live 2019 by Brett Gray, Digital Transformation Manager, DNV GL – Business Assurance.


This talk is intended to be a primer for action on how transparency in the food industry can be improved through digital technologies like blockchain, to cater for operational efficiencies, sustainable capacities and accountability. During this time slot we will demystify traceability solutions through use of blockchain technology and how it is being used in the market today, based on the example of My Story for Italian wineries, followed by a Q &A.


Watch the webinar recording >>

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