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BRC Non-conformance - cannot complete in 28 day time requirement

Started by , Aug 16 2019 08:56 PM
4 Replies

Hello all


Just completed a BRC audit and passed with a AA score.  :sorcerer:


Now we did have 4 NC of which three will be easy to complete.  However, the fourth is some required roof repairs that will require capital, time and corporate approval.  We are full out in production and cannot shut down for a week or more to get repairs done.  I would suspect that here is a method to request additional time with a commitment letter that the work will be done.


Has anyone ever had to follow this path?  Would you care to share what you submitted to the auditor?


Thanks in advance.

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What type of roof damge do u have?show me picture then i will suggest you some solution that will prevent any hazard to come into contacrt with food .

There is a degree of pragmatism IMO, in that its understood that not everything can be physically actioned within the 28 day timeframe.

How quickly can you get approval for the CapEx?

Assuming you can get that signed off within the time frame, I'd be responding that the corrective action is to fix the roof, that the board has approved it, and that it will be completed within a set timeframe that you should specify for them. I've had success doing this in the past, although it may of course depend on the significance of the issue itself.
Given that you're AA the implication is that this NC was a minor, so presumably the auditor doesn't view it as critical to food safety and there should therefore be a reasonable recognition that it's not a "stop everything until it's fixed" type of issue.

2 Thanks

For something like this (e.g. structural issues) that will take time to close out, in my experience, BRC will be satisfied with your plan to rectify it. If you can provide purchase orders etc, it will further strengthen the closure but it wouldn't be 100% necessary if you don't have it ready by the 28 days.


You do however need to ensure that you have contained any immediate issues for example doing temporary repairs to prevent leaks in the production area.


Lastly, it is vital to ensure that any proposed corrective actions is followed through in full as when next year's BRC audit comes around they will want to see evidence of this and if not closed out, it will be an automatic major. 

2 Thanks

Agree with above.  A plan to rectify should be okay.  Get a quote from a roofer and a letter to say they will do it etc.

1 Thank

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