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What are best starches used in food industry of soup and sauces

Started by , Aug 14 2019 05:19 PM
4 Replies



What are best starched used in food industry of soup and sauces in terms of price and quality ?


Any new starch coming out ? 


Suppliers are doing devellopement , can't find the one fit to my products.


I'm working on project to replace our starches. 


Thank you

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In my experience you're best bet is to work with starch suppliers.  If you have a bench top or pilot process that mirrors your production you can really lean on your suppliers to help you out.  If you don't have bench or pilot then you have a more difficult time to match the right starch for your needs.


Starches / stabilizers / emulsifiers are very specific depending on your labeling requirements, product(s), and your process.  No two are really the same...Good luck!

Hello Ryan,


Please what do you by : (If you have a bench top or pilot process that mirrors your production you can really lean on your suppliers to help you out.)




With bench top or pilot in your facility you try many different stabilizers most efficiently.  Leaning on your suppliers to provide you with a number of different trial size samples of the stabilizers to use on the bench or in pilot.


Stabilizer suppliers usually are reluctant in supplying a stabilizer to "try out" in a production size batch unless you pay for it.  However, with bench or pilot scale quantities they are much more willing to give you free samples, as many as it takes, to get the right one for your product and process.


Also, if you find that you need a mix of a few different components to get it right most stabilizer suppliers will custom blend to your spec.

You also need to know 




What are best starched used in food industry of soup and sauces in terms of price and quality ?


Any new starch coming out ? 


Suppliers are doing devellopement , can't find the one fit to my products.


I'm working on project to replace our starches. 


Thank you

What is the processing condition and expected physical/chemical characteristics of your existing sauces. Different processing will require different kind of starch. Ryan's advices are spot on. Your starch supplier will need to know factors such as processing, expected label, physical characteristic before they can recommend new starch to you 

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