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Micro Specifications for Air & Surfaces in Food Manufacturing

Started by , Jul 30 2019 04:36 PM
5 Replies

Hi All,


I am looking for established micro B specifications/standards for air and

surfaces withing a food manufacturing facility. Has anyone come across this?

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Hi All,


I am looking for established micro B specifications/standards for air and

surfaces withing a food manufacturing facility. Has anyone come across this?


Can try posts/threads -





Hello Everyone,


Just thought I'd share this technique for persons who may be trying

to establish specification limits for this.


Using my micro B test results over the last 2 years

and plotting according to SPC (Statistical Process Control)

I was able to establish my own in-house acceptable limits for micro B

parameters of air and surface testing. This method also shows very easliy

when things are going out of control.


Hope this is helpful

Hello Everyone,


Just thought I'd share this technique for persons who may be trying

to establish specification limits for this.


Using my micro B test results over the last 2 years

and plotting according to SPC (Statistical Process Control)

I was able to establish my own in-house acceptable limits for micro B

parameters of air and surface testing. This method also shows very easliy

when things are going out of control.


Hope this is helpful




Thks for reply.


What kind of food facility ?


I'm curious as to how you decided yr micro. parameters (which?)  were acceptable ? Limits = ?

Hi Charles,


A flour manufacturing facility.

I am testing both air and surfaces for Aerobic Plate Count, Coliforms and Yeast & Mold.


I used my Upper Class and Lower Class Limits as the acceptable limits for each parameter

and I am continuing to use SPC to trend my results on a monthly basis.

Hi Charles,


A flour manufacturing facility.

I am testing both air and surfaces for Aerobic Plate Count, Coliforms and Yeast & Mold.


I used my Upper Class and Lower Class Limits as the acceptable limits for each parameter

and I am continuing to use SPC to trend my results on a monthly basis.




Thanks for comments.


I deduce yr "acceptable"  target averages were based on yr normal operating levels, ie baselines. ?


Assuming you used, respectively, surface swabbing of X cm / /36degC/plating 36degC/48 hrs, and environment air/ settle plates of area Y cm2 for Z hours, can you inform  the resulting targets/xyz  ?


(Frankly, IMEX of consistency of product APC data, I am surprised that yr results enabled an assumption that the "processes" were in statistical control).



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