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Food Safety Questionnaire Trend Analysis

Started by , Jul 23 2019 03:04 PM
10 Replies

Does anyone have an example on how they are trending graded food safety questionnaires?

I am no excel wiz and am in desperate need of direction/ help......




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Can you provide a little more context about what you're trying to do:
Are you filling in the questionnaires / are they being filled in by your suppliers?
What is the data in which you're looking for a trend?

I have a questionnaire that I am using to gauge food safety culture at our plant. I have 10 graded questions with a range of 1-5. 1 strongly agree and 5 strongly disagree. I do five questionnaires a week at random. I have about 600 questionnaires I need to put into some type of trend analysis for the defined action plan.

This questionnaire is being handed out to employees to engage food safety culture, correct?  


Perhaps this may help you get started:



it is being handed out via paper...

Does anyone have an example on how they are trending graded food safety questionnaires?

I am no excel wiz and am in desperate need of direction/ help......





Make an excel document.


Put the date on the top. Fill it in with the average of your responses. Your formula: =average(number 1, number 2, etc.). You can then create a chart based upon trends over time. Another option would after each month to get the averages and then create a chart based upon the months. 


It's a lot of data entry. But once the data is in. You then can compare responses over time, compare different years to each other. Create different types of graphs.


I appreciate the input, but i have already done this. i was looking for something a little more involved if at all possible. 


I appreciate the input, but i have already done this. i was looking for something a little more involved if at all possible. 


To get a focused answer, you probably need to provide some relevant  specific data.


Generics unfortunately  tend to be "vague".

Agree with Charles on this.


LSB - perhaps you can post your spreadsheet (ideally with any staff names etc removed) and we'll be able to give some more relevant suggestions/comments.

I agree that being more specific would make it easier to reply, but having said that, perhaps some of these ideas will help:

  1. YouTube is great for learning software skills that you don't know.  Can take a little while to find someone good, but it can be worth the investment.  Most videos are less than 15 minutes and go step by step.
  2. I always try to tell a story visually through charts as its easier for people to follow than the raw data. (Highlight your data and go the to Insert tab, recommended charts, as a start).
  3. Pick a few key consistent metrics to identify and monitor over time.  Fewer is better.  Don't change your questions, so that the data over time is relevant.  
  4. Work with management to set goals for those metrics.  As if we want to have a response rate of X% and a rating of Y on a scale of Z.  This gives you and them something to aim for.
  5. Too much data overwhelms most people and lowers the impact of the message.  Keep it simple.


If you can upload your file, I don't mind looking it to give you some ideas.  


Hope this helps,


If you want to learn software skills another great source is https://www.lynda.com/. There's a subscription cost but if you may get free access through your local library with a library card.

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