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SQF Food Safety Policy

Started by , Jun 28 2019 04:22 PM
5 Replies

Hello all,


We received a minor nonconformity in our SQF desk audit for not referencing our commitment to establishing and reviewing food safety objectives. I guess I do not understand what this means as I thought we had referenced this. Can someone explain further what this entails? I was using the SQFI guidance documents while revising the policy, so maybe those weren't clear enough. 

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For my understanding ,Food Safety Objectives that you made must be measureable and must have review that what u have done.it is fufilled or not,review means if it is completed you review it and written that it is completed .

if it not not completed then you re write its completion date.


You can write for further understanding

Hello all,


We received a minor nonconformity in our SQF desk audit for not referencing our commitment to establishing and reviewing food safety objectives. I guess I do not understand what this means as I thought we had referenced this. Can someone explain further what this entails? I was using the SQFI guidance documents while revising the policy, so maybe those weren't clear enough. 


which clause ??

For Charles C. -  SQF requires 3 items to be included in a facility's Food Safety Policy the 3rd one relates to this topic; SQF Edition 8, "The site's commitment to establish and review food safety objectives."

  When we updated to meet Edition 8 requirements we modified our Food Safety Policy to ensure we included each of the 3 items that SQF listed. 

  To support the objectives part we ensured our food safety objectives were measurable. We then review them by adding the objectives as a topic in our Monthly Management Review Agenda. During the monthly review we discuss how well we are meeting the objectives and if we find we are lagging in something we discuss what we need to work on to move it in the right direction to meet the set objectives.

Perhaps a statement like this should be in your Food Safety Policy:


Management is committed to establishing measurable food safety objectives on an annual basis and reviewing the progress on a xxxx basis.

For Charles C. -  SQF requires 3 items to be included in a facility's Food Safety Policy the 3rd one relates to this topic; SQF Edition 8, "The site's commitment to establish and review food safety objectives."

  When we updated to meet Edition 8 requirements we modified our Food Safety Policy to ensure we included each of the 3 items that SQF listed. 

  To support the objectives part we ensured our food safety objectives were measurable. We then review them by adding the objectives as a topic in our Monthly Management Review Agenda. During the monthly review we discuss how well we are meeting the objectives and if we find we are lagging in something we discuss what we need to work on to move it in the right direction to meet the set objectives.


Hi Mulan,


Just noticed yr post. Thks.


I deduce that the "referenced" in OP may be interpreted as "documented". Curious English.


As per yr Post, SQF's Guidance for "Objectives" seems to ideally require a variety of documented "activities/events"  -


The auditor will seek evidence of compliance to management commitment and thereby a “culture of food safety” through observation and interview.  Evidence may include:

  A documented policy statement, signed by the senior site manager [= Boss?], that commits to meeting regulatory and customer requirements and indicates how those requirements shall be met; setting
and achieving food safety objectives; reviewing food safety objectives on a regular (at least annual) basis; and continually improving their SQF food safety management System.
  The currency of the policy statement.
  The availability of the policy statement to all staff within the site.  This includes confirming employee understanding of the policy statement.
  Food safety objectives are established and realistic.
  Activities within the site meet regulatory and customer expectations.
  Activities within the site reflect established food safety objectives. The auditor may seek company food safety meeting minutes and check if management participated in these meetings.  
  The policy statement, including food safety objectives, is reviewed at least annually


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