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How to do VACCP and TACCP documentation and preparation?

Started by , Jun 07 2019 07:03 AM
6 Replies

Hi members,


Our company has just initiated a step towards implementation of BRC standards. I would like to ask the community here to help me how to do VACCP and TACCP documentation and preparation. Please guide me. 

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Thank you for the useful information shared. In what aspect stated below the BRC would give us the utmost headache to implement it successfully.


First of all;


-Senior management committee

-Documents and preparation(company facilities)

-Worker's attitude

-Consistency in the implementation

I don't know that there is a standard answer to this?

If you don't have senior management commitment then it's all a bit of a waste of time anyway, and you need the support in terms of resources and attitude to be able to accomplish anything.

The documentation side of it requires attention and care, as the standard is somewhat pedantic in places. Building the system from the ground up will take time, and you should perform gap analyses and mock audits at multiple stages to make sure that you have covered everything. BRC have a checklist that you can use for this (also available in this thread: https://www.ifsqn.co...n-excel-format/)

Without buy-in from the actual workforce its not going to work either, as you can have the best procedures in the world, but they're useless if people don't believe in them, follow them, and complete the associated records correctly. You will of course need to spend a lot of time on training, but IMO should also allow extra time to work with people to help them get an understanding of what a food safety system is, how it relates to them, and why your business is doing it. The more support you have from the actual workforce, the more successful the certification process is likely to be (and hopefully the more consistently safe your products will be ;) )

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I assume this is related to food fraud? I would look at forums for that topic and also http://foodfraud.msu.edu/.



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A very good document is for TACCP is PAS 96:2017 Guide to protecting and defending food and drink from deliberate attack. You can find it for free on the FSA website: https://www.food.gov...pas962017_0.pdf


Hi Chris,


I liked yr posted response to VACCP  however one observation is that the term "Risk"  as quantitatively used there is dissimilar to "Risk" as conventionally used in HACCP. 


Regardless, this distinction was obviously no problem (or too subtle) for BRC auditors. Just like haccp, all the proposed VA methods have a good slice of subjectivity. :smile:


The reality is probably that  items with high "vulnerability" (and the opposite) to fraud are often well-known/documented. The difficulty is defining (and mitigating) the area in-between.

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