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Confidential Reporting Form BRC Issue 8, Clause 1.1.6

Started by , Jun 05 2019 10:15 PM
10 Replies

Greetings all.  We are a small company (whole grain and milled grain), typically not more than 8-10 employees on a shift .  I am looking for a confidential reporting form or some guidance on what to put on one.  What we have chosen to implement is essentially a suggestion box for compliance with clause 1.1.6 of Issue 8 of the BRC Standard for Food Safety. 


The box is locked with a slot in it.  Will not be in area where cameras are at and the CEO and Quality Manager (me) have a key.  Any assistance or files you would be willing to share would be greatly appreciated.


Thank you




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Forget the form, no one will fill those out - use a dedicated toll free number, people call, listen to the message and leave a message.  That way they can report from anywhere in or out of the company without fear of reprisal.

Hi Ben,


You don't need a specific form for employees to fill out, just a note scribbled on a blank piece of paper would be fine. What's important is that the employees are able to report and that it is confidential. Personally I want to make it as simple as possible for a staff member to report something, and I think they're more likely to do so if they didn't have to fill in a form. I have a number of locked post boxes around the site and staff have used these by writing on a piece of paper which works fine as long as it's legible.

In an old small company we used Crimestoppers to supply a line to us.  I'm not sure how much it cost but it wasn't prohibitive.  Looking into companies like this could help supply a free phone line to comply without the set up costs.

Thank you all for the info.  I will speak with our CEO concerning the telephone option.

We are a small company as well.   We have a poster in our breakroom that contains the following:

1. GM & Food Safety Directors contact information (cell phone & email)

2. A QR code that when scanned bring you to a online form they can confidential fill out. 

3. An email address that they can email their concerns too.


I didn't do a suggestion box because I wasn't sure it could be kept secure.


I do like the other post about using a phone number.


Hope this helps.



It's 100% Anonymous, Secure, Easily accessible by all employees.

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Hi, We are using the suggestion box as well, we staged that in employees lunch room and made some ballots to report food safety incidents. Ifound this the best way. We open the box and if there are any concerns or suggestion then we discuss everything during management team meetings. We have created an action register for the notes and we follow up on ecah concern every meeting until that get resolved.

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We use a suggestion box.  (literally a box with a slot) We are a small company and the use of a telephone is impractical as it would be impossible for it to be anonymous.  We have a procedure on walls around the facility and a form next to the box.
Our auditor was happy with this.

What is written on the ballots for the suggestion boxes? Can you kindly share a copy of the form?

What is written on the ballots for the suggestion boxes? Can you kindly share a copy of the form?

Hi QA, you are querying a 2 -year old post. There may be a delayed response.

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