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Help Required

Started by , Apr 06 2004 07:52 AM
4 Replies
Hi all,

We have been asked to quote for a massive contract.

Looking at the tender documents it appears the packaging is intended for the 'cosmetic' industry, in this instance a sort of wet wipe product. Not too sure though as they are a bit vague!!

The indicator is the paragraph
'The supplier guarantees that the Products comply in particular with EEC rules with regard to the manufacture of cosmetic products and all regulations issued from the CEN rules'

I am asking here because they have requirements for staff hygiene, cleaning and sanitising, and other thimngs that would appear to parallel some of the food safety.

Any direction for research, or direct information would be appreciated.

Oh and I need to sort this by wednesday lunchtime.

Off to google search I think.

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Puzzle by name…

In short I don't know if there are any specific EU / UK regulations that apply to (let's broaden it) direct contact cosmetics and personal care packaging.

I contacted the Food Standards Agency (why I don't know) and they said that cosmetics and personal care products were outside the scope of their remit 'food packaging'. I asked what about toothpaste and tampons? Is there not a chance that toxic chemicals could migrate from packaging to this type of product - which could then pose a health risk to the consumer?

They said I had a point and should contact trading standards - I did and they are going to get back to me - hopefully before Wednesday lunchtime.

Regardless of the requirements for the packaging material itself, I think you will find as you move into this area there are hygiene and sanitation requirements dictated by the industry and customer.

Take a look at:


or if you intend to enter the food packaging market at some stage:


Although the standards use slightly different words to specify what they require - it's more or less:

 The adoption of a formal Hazard Analysis System
 A documented Technical Management System
 The control of factory standards, products, processes and personnel

I've attached a document for interest summarising the legislation in: England & Wales that theTrading Standards services have a statutory duty to enforce.



Attached Files


Many thanks.

I have found Council Directive 76/768/EEC is applicable to the cosmetics products etc.

It appears to cover animal testing, the packaging, labelling and a whole raft of subsiiary legislation.

I have to say that at the moment we shall not be quoting!!

Not for the above complications but due to the 'packaging origination' etc

We can deal with the moulding side of things but do not have the resource to learn or control the potential sub-contract aspects.

You never know for the future


Any direction for research, or direct information would be appreciated.

Hi Puzzle,

try this Cosmetics Guide.

Regards. Franco
Simon, Franco,

Many thanks.

It was the PACKAGING that we were interested in, however we have declined to quote.


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