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What is the difference between FSPCA- PCQI and US-FDA- PCQI?

Started by , May 28 2019 09:29 AM
2 Replies

What is the difference between FSPCA- PCQI and US-FDA- PCQI?

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What is the difference between FSPCA- PCQI and US-FDA- PCQI?


I anticipate the answer is 1st paragraph of this -



So, after looking at the link above:

   FDA = government agency (pulbic sector)

   Training companies = private sector


   FDA writes the standard but doesn't do training.

   Private companies do the training but don't write the standard.


FSPCA is the alliance between the public sector (standards) and the private sector (training).

The FDA approves who can give training.

The approved training company is part of FSPCA.


So apparently just different names for the same thing.

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