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Traceability of chocolate in continuously topped up holding tank

Started by , May 10 2019 07:40 AM
4 Replies



We are in the process of installing a line for layered bars. Most of these will be coated in chocolate and the chocolate holding tank will be continuously topped up, with GI's to cover the manufacturing requirements. It will not be cleared out from batch to batch. 

This proposal is worrying for me as I am not sure what to do in a chocolate supplier recall situation. 


Can anyone help please? Thank you very much.

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We have the same issue with our oil tank.  If there was ever a recall I would have to recall back to the last run before the last time the tank was emptied and cleaned.  

recall anything back to time of receiving to current if no cleaning/emptying on storage tank.

Agree with both suggestions above.


Your management will have to accept this risk of recalling more products than it is necessary if only a clear break on adding the chocolate on the tank is implemented. Most management will accept the risk anyway instead of putting a process in place and out of convenience for operations or if this means more money to modify the equipment.



We are in the process of installing a line for layered bars. Most of these will be coated in chocolate and the chocolate holding tank will be continuously topped up, with GI's to cover the manufacturing requirements. It will not be cleared out from batch to batch. 

This proposal is worrying for me as I am not sure what to do in a chocolate supplier recall situation. 


Can anyone help please? Thank you very much.


This is a classic problem which particularly involves a method for defining batches/lots so that traceability can be achieved. Particularly tricky for continuously topped-up systems.


Previously discussed here several times for bakeries and  grain silos, eg -





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